TTV Stream

Quick Look: TTV Stream allows Twitch account holders to watch Twitch TV content through their Rokus, including followed live streamers, top streams, and past broadcasts. No content is available until you have linked your Twitch account by going to, adding the code provided in the TTV Stream channel, and allowing TTV Stream to access your Twitch account.

During our testing on Sept. 26, 2019, the channel would load our Twitch content for a brief instant and then crash. However, we are listing this channel because it appears to be under active development and may appeal to a large segment of Roku users.

Once your Twitch account is linked, TTV Stream should provide you with the following capabilities:

  • Watch live streams and past broadcasts (VOD)
  • Chat experience for live streams and VOD (read-only for both)
  • Chat emotes: Twitch global emotes, basic emojis, BTTV and FFZ! (no gif unfortunately)
  • Easy access to your followed live streams
  • Search channels, streams and games
  • Follow, unfollow

-- Information is current as of September 26, 2019

Roku Channel Store Description: Watch live streams and VODs with a chat experience. Easily access your followed live streamers, browse top streams, watch past broadcasts, search and follow/unfollow channels.

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