Quick Look: UNBOUNDED TV is a travel channel focused on weekend getaways in the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada. The channel features episodes from th series Weekend Getaways Show, which provides an abundance of information for travel destinations in this region. Places and activities include Fairmont Hot Springs Resort in British Columbia, Silverwood Amusement Park in Bayview, Idaho, Tubbs Hill in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and Schweitzer Mountain Resort, Sandpoint, Idaho.

Videos provide hotel and dining recommendations and identify activities, points of interest and more. You can browse the content based on activity or by location, including Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Fairmont, B.C. Canada, Golden B.C., Canada, Bayview, Idaho, Leavenworth, Washington, Missoula, Montana, Priest Lake Idaho, Sandpoint, Idaho, Spokane, Washington and Walla Walla, Washington.

The UNBOUNDED TV channel contains additional content not found on this channel as well as the video below.

-- Information is current as of April 23, 2021

Developer's Channel Description: Limitless original entertainment. Home for the original travel show: Weekend Getaways, Inland Unbounded and more coming in 2020

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DEVELOPER: Toes in the Sand Productions

FEES: None