Wowza TV carries nearly three dozen streams from a variety of Internet sources that include news and political commentary, children's programming, lifestyle shows, and classic TV. Several of these are currently available as standalone Roku channels; examples include Dove Channel, PBS Kids, and Scripps News (which is still listed under its previous Newsy branding). Not all of these streams we sampled were functional at the time of our review; Retroville TV, JukeBox TV, and even the WowzaTV stream got stuck at 13% loading and never played.
There are also seven videos available on demand, but these are seemingly random titles, with a couple of promotional videos thrown in, that appear to have been added as placeholders.
-- Information is current as of April 13, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Wowza tv is a new and exciting original content tv network featuring a wide variety of unique channels, ranging from live shopping channels, a small business guide channel, to a retro salsa music channel, and much more. Add us today and enjoy!
DEVELOPER: puertoricoreporter
FEES: None