Wunda On Demand provides workout videos from WundaBar Pilates, which "combines beautiful biomechanics and traditional Pilates with efficient movement, exceptional flow and a cardio-intense pace." Wunda On Demand takes the studio workouts that are performed on the patented WundaFormer "into a dynamic repertoire for the mat." Videos are available in the following categories:
- WundaCore
- Studio Workouts
- WundaLIVE
- WundaMax
- WundaFlex
- WundaFocus
- Amy's Pro Tips
A video from the WundaBar Pilates YouTube channel is available below.
-- Information is current as of October 20, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: WundaBar Pilates creator, Amy Jordan, leads you through wicked challenging, core-shredding, full body workouts demonstrated by her team of WundaBar educators - and created for you to feel stronger, longer and 100% empowered!
DEVELOPER: WundaBar Pilates
FEES: $9.99/month or $114.99/year