YouTV German VCR, TV library

Quick Look: YouTV German TV is a virtual DVR, allowing you to record every program from every German TV channel for playback on your Roku and other devices.

The channel is free to add and you can browse all content that is available to subscribers. To actually stream any content, you will need a free or paid YouTV subscription. With a free account you have access to all programming from the last 24 hours. The Basic plan gives you access to three days of programming for 5,99€ per month. For 7,99€ per month (with a 6- or 12-month subscription) you'll have access to a full seven days of programming as well as the ability to download programs (through non-Roku devices) and to archive a set number of programs for up to a year. A full list of plans and features is available at

The channel actually works as a personal DVR, recording shows in the cloud for playback through your Roku and other devices. This virtual DVR does not start recording shows until you've activated your account. This means that you won't have immediate access to any programming, and you won't be able to watch any shows that were broadcast before your account was activated.

Create a free or paid account at No credit card is required, and new accounts have full access for 14 days. If you don't subscribe to a paid account, your free account with access to the previous 24 hours of programming will continue indefinitely.

To stream content, you will need to log in with your YouTV credentials (email address and password) by pressing the * button on your Roku remote and selecting the login option. Then, from the channel's main menu, you can filter programs by the following categories:

  • Blockbuster
  • Kinder (Children)
  • Sport
  • Spielfilme (Motion Pictures)
  • Report
  • Unterhaltung (Conversation)
  • HD Filme (HD Movies)
  • Hauptabendprogram (Prime Time)
  • Be te Bewetung (Best Rating)
  • Meist gesehen (Most Viewed)

The * button on your Roku remote will let you access all TV programs by station. A total of 44 stations are available. Select a station, then select a date from the last seven days (including today) and you'll be presented with a list of all available shows for that day, categorized by morning, afternoon, and evening.

-- Information is current as of May 26, 2016

Developer's Channel Description: Finally watching German TV how YOU want - for Germans around the world and Heimatlovers. With YouTV you record German TV channels, TV shows and even whole genres manually or automatically. The amazing YouTV® is a cloud based Online TV recorder, that records your favorite channels and all TV shows with one click - just choose what you want to watch!

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FEES: Free accounts offer access to the last 24 hours of programming. Paid accounts range from 5,99€ to 14,99€ per month and offer additional features, including up to 7 days of programming. Details available at

YouTV Website

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