MineShaft Free

Quick Look: MineShaft Free is an ad-sponsored knockoff of the popular computer game "Minesweeper." This version of MineShaft Free offers two levels of difficulty. To play, use your Roku remote to highlight any cell in the grid, then press the OK button. If that cell contains a mine, the game is over. If no mine is revealed but a mine is in one or more adjacent cells, then the selected cell shows a number indicating the number of adjacent cells that contain a mine. Using information on the number of adjacent mines, try to identify which cells contain mines and use the * key on your remote to select those. Correctly identify the locations of all mines while clearing all remaining cells, and you win.

Also available on Roku are Minesweeper and Minesweeper Deluxe.

-- Information is current as of November 6, 2017

Developer's Channel Description: Play Mineshaft for free.

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DEVELOPER: Tudip Technologies

FEES: None


Mineshaft Free on Roku
Mineshaft Free on Roku