Quick Look: Watch TCM is a TV Everywhere channel that requires viewers to subscribe to a participating pay TV service to watch this channel. To activate this channel click on any title and follow the on-screen instructions.
Participating providers include major cable and satellite services like AT&T Uverse, Cox, DirecTV, Dish, Optimum, Spectrum, and Verizin FiOS, along with dozens of regional and municipal cable companies. PlayStation Vue appears to the be only streaming TV service currently supported. To see if your pay TV provider allows access, launch the Watch TCM channel on your Roku, select any video, and then select Play. The channel will display an activation code; go to www.tcm.com/activate, select your streaming device (in addition to Roku, Watch TCM is available on AppleTV and Amazon Fire TV), enter the activation code shown in the Roku channel, and select or search for your TV provider. If your provider is not listed, you will be unable to activate Watch TCM, but can still watch host intros for Watch TCM films.
For those who do subscribe to a participating pay TV service, Watch TCM offers live feeds of both the East and West broadcasts, allowing users to view the live TCM broadcast without a cable box. Watch TCM also has over 100 feature-length films and shorts. The host intro for each film is available as a standalone video; those without a pay TV service can watch these videos without activating the channel.
-- Information is current as of December 13, 2018
Roku Channel Store Description: Turner Classic Movies presents WATCH TCM, a “TV Everywhere” service that lets you enjoy unlimited access to the best of TCM, at no additional cost with your TV subscription. Not your ordinary “TV Everywhere” service, WATCH TCM is a content rich and in-depth movie companion that lets you experience the richly textured world of classic movies that only Turner Classic Movies can bring you.
DEVELOPER: Turner Classic Movies, Inc.
FEES: None, but subscription to a participating pay TV service is required for content other than host intros
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