Quick Look: Adventures In Paradise is a television series created by James Michener that aired on ABC from 1959-62. The story revolves around a Korean War veteran sailing the South pacific from one adventure to the next, all the while romancing women and carrying cargo from one island to another on his schooner the Tiki III.
Although over 90 episodes were produced, this channel has only 35 episodes currently available. One of the episodes available on this channel can be seen below.
-- Information is current as of July 19, 2019
Roku Channel Store Description: Adam Troy was an American Korean War veteran who stayed in the Pacific after the war. As captain of the schooner "Tiki III", Troy drifted from adventure to adventure while carrying passengers and cargo anywhere from Hong Kong to Pitcairn Island. His original partner was Chinese-American Oliver Lee, and he was assisted by first mates Clay Baker and later Chris Parker. Stars: Gardner McKay, James Holden, Lani Kai
DEVELOPER: TV Time Media - Total Stream Media
FEES: None