Dan Mace

Quick Look: Dan Mace is a channel from the YouTube channel and videomaker of the same name. Videos cover a range topics, as the creator (according to his YouTube channel" makes movies about the things that make him happy. Video series include:

  • The Not Normal Show - "In The Not Normal Show, someone plants a 'seed,' or unfinished idea, anywhere in the world. Each week, Dan chhoses a seed, flies to that city and completes the idea with the author."
  • Seeing Sounds - "Dan remakes songs and jingles from found objects."

A video currently available on this channel can be seen below.

-- Information is current as of March 11, 2020

Roku Channel Store Description: Dan Mace is a creative and visionary director and filmmaker. Decidedly original and definitely not normal, Dan’s videos are fast-paced and thought provoking.

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DEVELOPER: PlayWorks Digital LTD

FEES: None