TorchTV promises in the Roku channel store description to offer "a wide of variety award-winning news, political, financial, and lifestyle programing (sic) — along with historical programing (sic), documentaries and family-friendly entertainment... that will help you lead a full, happy and prosperous life." In reality, TorchTV on Roku provides a handful of episodes from January and February 2023 of Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report and
The Joe Mangiacotti Show.
-- Information is current as of August 10, 2023
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: TorchTV is a streaming service that offers a wide of variety award-winning news, political, financial, and lifestyle programing — along with historical programing, documentaries and family-friendly entertainment. We will bring you quality entertainment and informative programing that will help you lead a full, happy and prosperous life. If you believe that America is a great nation and that our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and our system of free enterprise helped make America a shinning city on the proverbial hill, than Torch TV is the place for you! Our mission is to promote freedom, opportunity, prosperity and security whenever and wherever possible through these ideals. We believe that freedom is worth preserving, defending and renewing. We can achieve this with effective education, analysis and advocacy.
DEVELOPER: TvStartup Inc.
FEES: None