KINO is a streaming service that offers more than just movies that are available after their release. KINO is promoted as an interactive service that also lets subscribers attend live digital premieres with the films' actors, directors, and producers. Upcoming films are available before their release, and the service also includes shorts and behind-the-scenes updates.

To view any content, you will need to create a free account and connect the KINO Roku app to that account. Currently, the only four trailers are available for free accounts. Paid PTS Pass subscribers get access to all behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, and livestreams, can participate in Q&A sessions and be notified of new content.

You can sign up for KINO on thier website

-- Information is current as of March 15, 2024

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Watch - attend LIVE Digital Premieres and Watch Parties with your favorite actors, directors and producers. Engage - interact with your favorite artists and films before they hit the big screen. Discover - swipe through behind-the-scenes clips, trailers, sneak peaks, bloopers and more

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FEES: Free account required for access to limited content. Upgraded memberships are available for full access and additional features. More information is available here.

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