Budget Living by Fawesome.tv

Budget Living by Fawesome.tv Quick Look: If money is an issue, let Budget Living by Fawesome.tv help you out. The channel offers many "How To" tutorials to help you save money, as well as product reviews, inexpensive design ideas for the home, and fashion alternatives.

If some of these videos look familiar, it is because this channel is a collection of videos from other Roku channels grouped together for your convenience. Some of the channels include IllyJessicaOMG, Destiny Godley, Robeson Design, Sharon the Makeup Artist, just to name a few.

A majority of the videos you will find here pertain to fashion and makeup; however, there are some worthwhile product reviews for vehicles, inexpensive vacation ideas, recycling tips, and tricks and DIY home projects. There are over 180 videos available, with a fair amount of overlap between the categories, which include: New, Best, Beauty Tips, Fashion Reviews, Fashion Tips, Fashion Trends, interior Decor Tips, Makeup Tips, Organizing Tips, and Smart Home Tips.

-- Information is current as of October 21, 2014

Developer's Channel Description: A free and comprehensive guide to frugal living with tips and secret cheats on saving money, smart shopping, growing your own food, small space living, and more importantly, looking trendy

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DEVELOPER: Future Today Inc

FEES: None


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