Inmoo - Free Independent Films: Roku Channel Review

March 25, 2011 - 23:37 -- RokuGuide

Inmoo Independent Entertainment is, according to their website, "the largest authorized independent entertainment theater on the Web, providing free access to thousands of independent films from your computer, smartphone, tablet or living room." And by living room, they mean Roku, even though the current number of films falls far short of the "thousands" heralded as being available on the website.

I didn't expect too much when I subscribed to this channel. I didn't expect YouTube quality, but neither did I expect the high-quality, feature-length, professional productions that are available for free. I'm not an aficionado of independent films, but this is one channel that I will return to often, and I put it in the ranks of Netflix and Amazon Instant Video for quality of both content and delivery.

The Inmoo Roku channel list 16 genres of movies, but the channel is still under development as not all genres have content, and many of the listed movies are only placeholders - they have running times listed as 0 minutes and do not load any content. The genres and numbers of listed movies are:

  • Comedy (34 movies)
  • Crime (Under development)
  • Documentary (12 movies)
  • Drama (77 movies)
  • Family (1 movie)
  • Foreign (4 movies)
  • GLBT (Under development)
  • Horror (15 movies)
  • Other (2 movies)
  • Romance (10 movies)
  • Sci-Fi (6 movies)
  • Sports (1 movie)
  • Suspense (12 movies)
  • Teen(1 movie)
  • Thriller (23 movies)
  • War (5 movies)

I think I spied some movies in more than one category, and the numbers listed above include movies that are only placeholders as discussed above. My only complaint about this channel would be that the placeholders are there at all. It's disappointing to read the synopsis for what looks like a great movie, and then find that the movie isn't available. I would much prefer coming back later to find that new movies have been added. Despite that, there is a lot of excellent content here, and you can spend hours enjoying these independent productions. And even better, it's free.

For more information on this channel, visit RokuGuide's Inmoo channel page.

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