Darryl Turner Channel

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Roku has removed all private (non-certified) channels from Roku devices and this channel is no longer available. See this article for more information.

Motivational speeches from sales trainer and consultant to the national business community

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Channel Description: This channel offers several coaching seminars, encouraging people to strive for success and face life's everyday challenges, given by Darryl Turner. Turner's website describes him as "a leading growth strategist, sales trainer, motivational speaker and consultant to the national business community. With over 20 years of successful business growth and development experience, Darryl employs his unique and dynamic communication style and perspective in practical applications. His techniques and proven system has empowered hundreds of companies and thousands of individuals to reach and exceed their goals at a highly accelerated pace."

Below is a sample video from the Darryl Turner YouTube Channel:

FEES: None

Darryl Turner TV Website
Darryl Turner TV on YouTube

-- Information is current as of February 1, 2016

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