Anatomy Trains provides training videos from the company of the same name that "offer[s] short professional development courses and Structural Integration trainings worldwide for movement and manual therapists of all types." Video categories include these and several more:
- Technique Showcase
- Fascia
- Anatomy Basics
- Introduction to Anatomy Trains
- Tensegrity
- Anatomy Trains in Motion
- Zoga
- BodyReading
- Regional Anatomy
Anatomy Trains lists the following major highlights:
- Exclusive fascial dissection content Fascial properties with Tom Myers ---Anatomy 101
- Introduction to Anatomy Trains
- 10 minute fascial movement sequences
- Manual therapy techniques demos with Tom Myers
- BodyReading postural patterns
- Anatomy MasterClass highlights
- Tips from Tom Myers and other fresh content dropped monthly
- Exclusive access to live online Anatomy Trains events
A video from the Anatomy Trains YouTube channel is shown below.
-- Information is current as of February 15, 2024
CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: Use this app to understand fascial anatomy, identify patterns, and gain new holistic strategies to make your therapeutic results more long-lasting and complete. Access tools to enhance the structural function and balance of your clients, the performance of your athletes, invite resilience for aging, and resolve persistent strain patterns before they become pain patterns - all organized for easy access and immediate practical application, from assessment to strategy for manual therapy or movement.
DEVELOPER: Anatomy Trains
FEES: Subscription packages vary depending on content