Classes designed for kids 10-15, where they can discover careers, learn life skills, and explore big ideas ($) |
Videos birds from around our planet |
Networking videos from customers |
Music videos from an artist that goes by Jinkx and some other videos that we can't figure out |
Entertaining answers to intelligent questions, most of which you won't hear in the classroom, including topics like fitness, science, survival tips, motivation, social dynamics and more |
Classical and contemporary dance and music performances by diverse artists from around the world ($) |
A curated library of AI-related videos from a dozen YouTube producers |
Video blogs from a YouTuber who builds automated trading systems and tools to gain an edge in the market |
United States Air Force videos from the Air Force Materiel Command |
A network for dog lovers everywhere from The American Kennel Club, with dog shows, dog training videos, and original exclusive series |
Videos from a variety of YouTube producers explaining ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 and how to use them |
Full episodes of public television programs that showcase art in all its forms |
Informative videos discussing organized crime from all over the world |
Interesting applications of science and technology, including electromechanical systems, chemistry, and electronics |
Short professional development courses and Structural Integration trainings for movement and manual therapists ($) |
Fun educational games to name the animals, recognize their sounds, and learn how to spell their names correctly |
Finding and selling your hidden treasures from auctions, flea markets, yard sales, auction galleries, attics and garages. |
Live video stream from the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California |
Videos for arthritis sufferers |