The New Frontier

The New Frontier is a documentary series that aired for three seasons, from 2015 to 2018, with season 4 produced in 2022. The series is described as "a scientific series where astronomers and program makers have used cutting-edge technology to investigate our solar system and the universe beyond." Each season consists of 10 half-hour episodes. The top-rated episodes, as shown in the channel include the following:

  • Next Stop Mars - Mars appears to be the only planet likely to host human civilization in the future. It's relatively benign environment makes it a favorite target for exploration by increasingly complex probes and plans for manned missions.
  • Mercury or Bust - The JAXA-ESA joint "BepiColombo" Mission is moments away from launch. The target is Mercury, which has been too long neglected by the world's space exploration programs. This mission will shed new light on this strange, tiny world.
  • Living Planet - We have been observing Earth for 40 years now, in the last 20 we have focus with intensity on the planet with new technologies and capabilities, we have accumulated a mass of data that is now revealing a complex and ever changing living planet.
  • Edge of the Universe - The night sky is a time machine. The further we look out into the universe, the further back in time we reach. Most of what we see is actually dark matter and dark energy, but its nature eludes us... for the moment.
  • Proving Einstein - The evidence to prove some of Einstein's theories had long been elusive, beyond the capabilities of technology, until now. It appears that Einstein is once again triumphant as we discover the latest in deep space observations.

If you don't care to pick an individual episode, a livestream is also included within the channel.

-- Information is current as of January 26, 2023

CHANNEL STORE DESCRIPTION: The New Frontier is a scientific series where astronomers and program makers have used cutting-edge technology to investigate our solar system and the universe beyond. It consists of 4 seasons, with the most recent launched in 2022. Each season contains 10 episodes, each lasting 30 minutes. Humankind has been left with many unanswered questions about what might affect the healthy life cycle of our own planet. The New Frontier documentary attempts to discover some of the answers using real-time space exploration. It introduces a great deal of significant information about our galaxy and the stars, their behavior, and their possible impact on Earth.

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DEVELOPER: VlogBox, Inc.

FEES: None

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